FEBRUARY 2021 Newsletter

FEBRUARY 2021 Newsletter • ISSUE 01 • VOLUME 2


  • The Benefits of Sophrology & Fertility
  • Why Yoga and Nutrition is Important
    for Fertility
  • Guest Blog by Ian Stones: How to
    Create Long-Term Personal Change
  • Expert Q&A with Kirby Hendricks:
    Food For Fertility
  • HART is spreading the LOVE
    Online Male Infertility Support Group

With our regular newsletter for HART Fertility Clinic, we hope to inspire, educate and support our past, current, and future patients. Especially now in these times of uncertainty, we want you to know that we are here for you every step of the way.

We are passionate about what we do and work hard to highlight infertility issues as well as create a safe place where we offer support and care whenever you need it.


The Fertility Diaries: The Benefits of Sophrology & Fertility Coaching


February is Reproductive Health month so we are running LIVE FB Q&A’s with experts in the field of fertility. We were also joined by Ishana Maharaj who discovered a phenomenal Swiss holistic wellbeing method called, Sophrology; whilst living in Geneva, Switzerland. This practice is a series of simple/highly effective dynamic relaxation methods, visualization, bits of meditation, breathing and mindful journeys. It harmonises & stimulates all cells, organs, muscles, glands and systems of the body.

Watch our full LIVE FB Q&A chat below.


Expert Q&A:


Following on from our “Fertility Diaries” LIVE Q&A’s running through February, we were delighted to chat to our fabulous guests; Kirby Hendricks, our Dietitian and Tara Williams our Fertility Yoga instructor. There was a lot of excitement around this topic. We also felt that interviewing both Kirby and Tara would be a perfect synergy; given nutrition and yoga – on a holistic level – are both vital for overall physical, mental and soulful wellbeing. Watch our full LIVE FB Q&A chat below.


Guest Blog by Ian Stones

How To Create Long-Term Personal Change

For many, the new year creates an opportunity to reflect on the year that’s passed and plan for the year ahead.Some people launch themselves into the new year with the best intentions and big plans about what they’d like to achieve. What often happens, though, is old habits sneak back in, and within a few weeks, the novelty has worn off, and you’re back to square one.

Read Ian’s full blog below.


Expert Q&A:


It is very easy to fall into the trap of over-indulgence, binge-drinking, guilt-eating and high levels of stress, as a result. Whilst planning your fertility journey, eating healthy and nutritious foods, which balance your hormone levels is key for prepping your body for IVF. Your diet doesn’t need to be bland and boring; food made with love using the right ingredients will give you the confidence to implement what your body needs. We sat down with Kirby Hendricks our resident Dietitian to find out more. Read full blog below.



During these times of uncertainty and stress, please do not give up on your fertility journey.

We are here for you every step of the way – please always remember this.

We also feel it was important to remind you every day to stay positive and focused – so do check out our Instagram stories on a daily basis, for uplifting and soulful mantras designed especially for you.

We are currently working on bespoke HART Packages for our patients. So, watch this space…

Love the HART team xx