Introducing: Sister Cyndi Nel

Introducing: Sister Cyndi Nel

HART’s IVF & Surrogacy Coordinator

We are proud to introduce you to Sr. Cyndi Nel, who is our wonderful IVF & Surrogacy Coordinator. Cyndi has been with HART Fertility Clinic since May 2019 and loves being a part of a dynamic team of professionals, who are geared towards providing holistic care to patients.

Cyndi completed her undergraduate Bachelor of Nursing Science Degree in 2007 at Stellenbosch University (SU), with Distinctions in Community Nursing, Psychiatry and Midwifery; thereafter, she completed her post-grad honours degree in Critical care Cum Laude in 2010, also at SU.

Cyndi particularly enjoys utilising her skill of organisation to provide the best sense of co-ordination for her patient cycles.  We sat down with Cyndi to find out more about what really makes her tick:

How long have you been in the Fertility Industry? 

I have been in the industry now since January 2012; so 8 years!

What are some of your proudest achievements? 

  • Surviving COVID-19 Lockdown is for me right now my proudest moment; as an employee, working from home, toddler entertainer and home-school teacher, and wife/housewife, cleaner, cook, baker.
  • Reading through the Bible from cover to cover ( I’m only a 1/3 in, but still proud)!
  • Completing my Honours Degree Cum Laude.
  • Every positive cycle through which a baby enters the world is a miracle in its own right, but one that will always stand out as one of my proudest moments, was when I assisted in a first positive cycle in the IVF industry, and then seeing that gorgeous baby after it was born. Although a miracle and not of my own doing; it was still an incredible moment to have been a part of such a special journey.

What is the most challenging thing about being an IVF Coordinator? 

The most challenging part is finding the middle ground of optimism, hope and realism, but still having enough faith to counter this. 

Of course, our dream is to have each and every cycle to end with a parent/parents holding that little bundle of joy, however, the sad reality is that at times, you need to look that expectant and hopeful person/s in the eye and deliver shattering news. 

To share that news is challenging in itself, but also to deliver it in such a way that creates hope for the future.  Which in its own right can be very emotionally charged.

What do you find most rewarding? 

Being a source of strength or support before, during and after a cycle. And knowing that a cycle had a successful outcome.

What are some of your favourite things to do when not at the clinic? 

Reading; I LOVE a good book. I also love Indulging in good quality coffee, fine wine and eating delicious food.  Most importantly I love spending time with my family.

Name one thing people may not know about you? 

I am NEVER on time! Just kidding – the person who doesn’t know this, doesn’t know me.  That, and I am pretty much an open book – what you see is what you get.

What is your favourite quote? 

I don’t necessarily have a favourite quote, but I recently read a really good book and teaches one to approach each situation with acceptance, enjoyment and enthusiasm – I would like to implement/live by this as far as possible.

Find out more about Cyndi and our HART team here.