APRIL 2020 Newsletter

APRIL 2020 Newsletter • ISSUE 03 • VOLUME 1


  • COVID-19 – Update from HART
  • Dr Olarogun talks about Egg Vitrification & Oncofertility
  • Sleep & Its Effect on Reproduction
  • Turbuculosis of the Uterus

With our regular newsletter for HART Fertility Clinic, we hope to inspire, educate and support our past, current and future patients every month. Especially now in these times of uncertainty and worry, we want you to know that we are here for you every step of the way.

We are passionate about what we do and work hard to highlight infertility issues as well as create a safe-place where we offer support and care whenever you need it.




The well-being and safety of our staff and patients is our main priority at this unprecedented time.

We are closely following the developments around this rapidly spreading COVID-19 virus both globally and in South Africa, and are continuously taking note of the directives given by the authorities and medical experts from the National Institute for Communicable Diseases (NICD), the World Health Organisation and the Department of Health in South Africa.

During the lockdown period our clinic will only be open for emergency treatments, however, we are offering our patients Skype Consultations with one of our Doctors; Dr Faesen or Dr Olarogun. As well as Skype consults with either of our IVF Coordinators; Cyndi Nel or Jenny Kleyn.

Find out more by emailing our Practice Manager, Jacqui Whittaker or by booking your appointment online – links below.


HART proudly supports:


Each month, we are dedicating one page to our beloved charities that we so very proudly support.

HART’s ethos within the fertility treatment world as well as outside the clinic’s walls is very much on a holistic level; healing the whole person when it comes to our patients as well giving back to our communities.

We are therefore very passionate about supporting charities that resonate deeply with us.

We very proudly support The Reach Trust.

Established in 2012, The Reach Trust set out to inspire and improve lives through the development of innovative and cost-effective mobile solutions.

In South Africa, as in many other countries, access to the web and ownership of a smart device is beyond the reach of those who need it the most.

To date, they have helped more than 10 million people transform their lives through access to free education, health, and counseling services on their mobile phones.

TRT embraces the power of mobile phones to connect people, create value-adding relationships, and motivate them to improve their lives and redefine their futures.

TRT work in partnership with governments, the private sector, NGOs, communities, and thought leaders around the world who support our programs for cost-effective social change.

To find out more about what TRT is about, or to make a donation, please click the link below.