Jeanne Freed
Clinical social worker.
Jeanne Freed is a Clinical Social Worker with over 20 years of experience, working therapeutically with adults, adolescents, groups and organisations. She has had experience working within various settings such as primary schools, tertiary institutions, family mental health units, state primary health care clinics, fertility clinics, corporate companies, and in the private sector. Jeanne provides short to long term psychotherapy and counselling, depending on the clients needs. One of Jeanne’s specialised areas of work is in the field of reproductive medicine, where she provides infertility related counselling to individuals and couples and conducts assessments of sperm and egg donors. She is a member of the South African Society of Reproductive Medicine and Gynaecological Endoscopy, and collaborates with other healthcare workers operating in the field.


HART Fertility Clinic Suite 1102, 11th Floor, Netcare Christiaan Barnard Hospital, D.F. Malan Street, Cape Town, 8000

