When you’re not one of the lucky ones who can take fertility for granted, having your child could be difficult, or even impossible, without the help of a sperm donor.
- Men with no live sperm in their ejaculate.
- Women in a same-sex relationship
- Single women who want to become a mother.
- Men who have undergone a vasectomy and now want to father a child.
- Men who are carriers of a genetic disease.
- When previous medical treatment, such as radiation and chemotherapy for cancer, has negatively impacted sperm production.
- Where an illness such as mumps has left a man infertile.
Sperm Bank
Conception Sperm Donation(CSD) recruits young healthy males between the ages of 19-35 years; who have normal sperm and fulfill all our specific screening criteria. The selection and testing of donors is an involved process requiring the donors to attend our bank for consultations with our fertility specialists, for psychological assessment, medical screening, blood tests, and laboratory testing (semen analysis).
South Africa has a unique ancestral gene pool, we probe our donor’s ancestral heritage closely:
- Black African of Southern African descent (an important note for this group is there is a low incidence of sickle cell disease (SCD).
- East Indian.
- Our European population can trace their ancestry to Dutch, French, Portuguese, German, Greek, Norwegian origin.
- Our mixed origin donors have a racial mix of European, black African, and Asian origin.
Gamete donation is anonymous in South Africa, and donors donate for altruistic reasons. Our extensive profiles provide information on the donor’s medical history, his family medical history, physical descriptions, education, personal interests and personality, and childhood photos.
There are 2 categories of donors; CSD and CSD-Plus. The difference between the 2 categories is the level of testing.
HIV I & II Ab & P24 Ag
RPR (Syphilis)
Hepatitis B Surface Ag
Hepatitis C Ab
Cytomegalovirus IgM
Cystic Fibrosis dF508 gene
Blood group
HIV I & II Ab & P24 Ag
Hepatitis B (Surface Antigen)
Hepatitis C (Core Antibody)
Hepatitis C (PCR)
Syphilis (TPHA) Serology
Chlamydia (PCR) on urine
Gonorrhoea (PCR) on urine
Mycoplasma Genitalium (PCR)
Full Blood Count + Film
Blood Group +Rh
Hb Electrophoresis
Cystic Fibrosis Full Screen
Fragile X (FMR-1)
Spinal Muscular Atrophy
For more information about sperm donors, email info@conceptionspermdonation.co.za. We will assist you with the matching process and provide you with all the necessary support and advice in choosing the right sperm donor for you.